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Family Law

Things to Consider When Drafting A Child Custody Agreement

October 9th, 2019

At Blackburn Lawyers – our Richmond Hill family lawyers have been assisting families with their divorce and separation legal proceedings since 1975. We have helped thousands of clients move forward confidently after the breakdown of a relationship or marriage. More importantly – we understand how complex child custody disputes can be and have successfully prepared child custody agreements for our clients in Richmond Hill and surrounding areas.

Prior to discussing or finalizing a child custody agreement – there are many things you should consider. We have prepared a list of things to consider with respect to your child custody agreement and by no means is this list exhaustive. This list is intended to act as a starting point for you and not intended to act as legal advice. Prior to finalizing any child custody agreement, we strongly recommend you consult with a family lawyer or divorce lawyer for additional legal advice that is specific to your unique situation.

Prior to entering into a child custody agreement – consider the following:

  • Provisions for making changes: As your child(ren) grow older their needs and circumstances may also change. Consider having a provision for a periodical review of your child custody agreement
  • Provisions for dispute resolution: Include a method and process for dispute resolutions should they arise in the future. For example – whether you will have third party individuals such as friends, parents or a counsellor available if you cannot come to a mutual agreement on certain items
  • Provisions for child custody declaration: Consider what type of custody arrangement is best for you and your child(ren). This could mean shared custody, sole custody or a combination of both. Additionally, consider who will have physical custody or legal custody and what that means for each party
  • Provisions for child visitation schedules: Outline schedules for each party such as regular visitation schedules, holiday visitations and vacation schedules in your plan. Also include how these will be determined in the future as well
  • Provisions for parental authority: Having legal custody ensures you are able to make major decisions for your child(ren) including decisions relating to education, medical care and treatment, religious upbringings and more. Include how these responsibilities may be divided and/or governed
  • Provisions for access to grandparents or extended relatives: If the child(ren) come from a large or extended family – we recommend having provisions with regards to access by grandparents and extended relatives. This can include a visitation schedule and/or other items
  • Provisions for financial contributions and child support: Include provisions on how finances will be handled and divided for your child(ren) with regards to recreational activities such as sports activities, entertainment, extra curricular activities, tuition, school trips, etc. Be as detailed as possible when outlining financial expectations and expenditures

Speak With A Richmond Hill Divorce Lawyer At Blackburn Lawyers

Navigating divorces, separations or the dissolution of a relationship can be very challenging if you don’t understand family laws in Ontario. Child custody disputes generally tend to be emotionally charged and highly contentious topics when the breakdown of a relationship occurs. Our Richmond Hill divorce lawyers have experience in child custody disputes and drafting child custody agreements. We would be pleased to offer legal guidance during this process and ensure that your child(ren’s) best interests are kept as a top priority during your legal proceedings.

* Please note that the information in this article is not intended as legal advice, but rather as a general overview on the subject. If you are seeking legal advice, please consult with a lawyer.